01. 01. 2015

Kamil Jaroš is appointed as the Coordinator of the Commission for Coaching Ethics of the ICF CR Association.

As of the 1st January 2015 Kamil Jaroš, ACC became the coordinator of the Commission for Coaching Ethics of the ICF CR Association. 

This appointment was announced at the General Meeting of the ICF CR Association (International Coach Federation Czech Republic) in a report delivered by the current coordinator of the Commission for Coaching Ethics, Ms. Marta Petrášová, PCC. In his new position Kamil Jaroš, ACC will also represent the Czech Republic in the EPPOC (i.e. the Ethical Platform of Professional Organisations of Coaches).

The Commission for Coaching Ethics is an independent body within the ICF CR that supports the ability and the need for ICF coaches to recognise and to implement ethical conduct in their profession as ICF coaches. For additional information visit the ICF CR website: www.coachfederation.cz/cz/o-nas/komise-pro-etiku.html.

The Ethical Platform of Professional Organisations of Coaches was founded in 2011 as a joint panel of three Czech professional organisations representing professional coaches: i.e. the Czech Association of Coaches, the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC Czech) and the ICF CR (International Coach Federation Czech Republic). The mission of the EPPOC is to foster and to promote the conscious ethical behaviour of professional coaches and of all the parties involved in the procedure of coaching. For additional information see www.eppok.cz/cs.